Trading online voucher

Trading Online Vouchers

Get Support to Trade Online During these difficult times, the government of Ireland are supporting small businesses to trade online. To support small Irish businesses to enhance their online trading presence, Trading Online Vouchers to the value of €2,500 (up to a maximum of 90% of the total cost) are available to Irish Businesses until[…]

email marketing tools

6 of the Best Email Marketing Tools

Transform Your Business Email Hasn’t Gone Away Email remains one of the more potent marketing tools for reaching customers, both new and old. While it’s often disregarded by new businesses in favour of social media and pay per click advertising, there’s no doubt that marketing professionals still see it as a durable option. If you[…]

Improvise, adapt and overcome

Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

5 Examples of Small Businesses Overcoming COVID-19 I don’t have to tell you how hard businesses have been hit by the global COVID-19 pandemic, and none more so than small businesses. However, with a bit of forward-thinking, there are some great examples of small businesses having to improvise, adapt and overcome the current situation. Here[…]

Stay positive

How to Stay Positive During These Uncertain Times

7 Tips for Business Owners Most businesses just a short while ago could not have envisioned that the whole commercial world would be put on pause for the foreseeable future. For small and medium-size businesses that work to tight margins, there have been huge and unexpected challenges to overcome. Staying positive in such circumstances may[…]