Fake Facebook restriction message featured image

Fake Restriction Messages on Facebook Pages

Introduction Over the past few months, numerous Facebook page owners have fallen prey to a concerning trend of receiving fake messages accusing them of violating community standards and subsequently restricting their page. These deceptive messages not only create unnecessary panic among page owners but also serve as a means to exploit them. In this blog[…]

Image Copyright on Social Media

Image Copyright on Social Media

Copyright on Social Media – What are your rights? Social media sites have become an integral part of our lives. We use them to share our thoughts, ideas, and images with one another. Unfortunately, many people forget that the images we share on social media are not always ours to do with as we please.[…]

Stay active on social media

5 Reasons to Stay Active on Social Media

Why you Must Stay Active on Social Media Do you wonder why you never get any tangible results from your social media accounts? You know what it’s like. The platform looks great; you start using it, then weeks turn to months, and you never do anything other than post content, or post nothing at all.[…]

Off Facebook activity

Off Facebook Activity

What is Off Facebook Activity? Facebook-owned WhatsApp recently changed it’s privacy rules (outside of Europe) around sharing data between itself and Facebook. This change has led to a massive drop in its user defecting to rivals such as Telegram and Signal. While Facebook has attempted to clarify the new rules, it has done little to stop the decline. This[…]