New Office – Announcement

Office Opening

Social Media Manager Ireland is pleased to announce the opening of a new office. As from Monday 20th January 2020, we will also operate from the North West Business Complex in Derry/Londonderry.

Social Media Manager Ireland’s (SMMI) new Derry/Londonderry office allows SMMI to meet the increasing demand for its social media management, web design and cloud solutions and services from educational, healthcare, and commercial clients across Ireland.

“I’m incredibly excited about the potential for this new office,” said Marc Creighton, Director and owner of SMMI. “The new office demonstrates our ever-expanding focus on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s). Derry/Londonderry is a growing, vibrant city, with first-class telecom infrastructure making it easy to connect with all our clients across the island of Ireland and further afield in the UK.

We are grateful to both Northern Ireland Business Info and the North West Business Complex in Derry/Londonderry for helping us to complete this move.

From the 20th January 2020, the address in Derry/Londonderry will be:

Office 7, Ground Floor
The Enterprise Hub
North West Business Complex
Skeoge Industrial Park
Beraghmore Road
BT48 8SE

Our contact numbers will, however, remain the same 0870 976872 (IE) | 07918 902904 (UK)

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